Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dying Is Easy. It's Living That Scares The Shit Out Of Me.

I haven't met Linda. I wouldn't know her from a lamp post if I bumped into her in a crowded street. But I like her nonetheless. She is one of those rare spirits you would actually love to have coffee with. The coffee could go cold and you wouldn't know. Neither would you care. Here's why...

"I used to spend huge amounts of time thinking about being famous. I figured being "somebody" would render me important. I've never felt important. I tend to collect moments filled with words and gestures that either give me a favorable feeling about myself or a shitty one. I have a proclivity for spending a good deal more time with the shitty ones. I don't think I'm alone in the activity of gleaning stuff from outside myself for the use of a fleeting hit of self-esteem. In fact..."[Continue]

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