Tuesday, September 11, 2007

'Live And Let Live' Isn't Working

There must have been a time when God was in Heaven and all was well on Earth. Or how else could we possibly justify someone in his sane mind saying, “Live and Let Live.” Either he was not sane. Or, like I said, all must have been well on Earth.

Neither is true anymore.

Things are pretty much going down south on our home planet. And sanity isn't readily available. Think about it. There is a full-fledged conspiracy against you out there. And you're busy choosing a better colour for your underwear. Oh yes, it is all around you. You can see it in every nook and corner. In every passing stranger's eyes. In the suspicious glances of your neighbours. It's out there alright. In the stores. In the streets. On the roads. In schools. At shopping malls. At the airports. It's waiting and watching you.

You think I am joking, my friend. It's alright. I am used to dealing with mortals of lesser intelligence. Let me try to help you see the truth as it exists. Not as you see it through your rose-tinted glasses.

You are a good man. Or a woman. Good woman. And you want to lead a happy, good life. You are ready to work for it. You don't want handouts. You believe in yourself and your capability to succeed. It is all good. You just want to go about living your life. Being a pain-in-the-ass to no one. You don't want to mess with other people's business either. It's their life and they bloody well can do whatever they want, right? You are cool about that. Or so you think.

Until you know the truth.

Let's start with your day. Did you meet a man smoking a cigarette? You met ten! Hah. Very good. You just met your first bunch of killers! And they are no amateurs. They will get you even if they have to die in the process. You've heard of suicide bombers? These are suicide smokers! Every time they light a cigarette, (which I agree, looks a very non-threatning act in itself.) they smoke 30% of the poison and let you inhale the rest 70% of it. Smoke that contains deadly stuff like lead, arsenic, carbon monoxide and what not. Slow poisioning, my dear. One of the most effective ways to murder someone without arousing suspicion. To enlighten yourself, read Agatha Christie's mysteries. You will be terrified. If you are still alive, that is.

Slow poison is the mantra of our times. As much as you want to live, as much as I want you to live, there is no escaping it. It is everywhere. In the air you breathe, in the water you drink, in the food you eat...

But you don't recognise it. It's always disguised in fancy names. Just to make it all sound OK. Remember when you heard words like carbon monoxide, chemical pesticides, acid rain, lead, additives or pollution? Of course, you didn't jump off the chair, did you? And that's what they want. To give you a false sense of security. To lull your senses. An alert man is a dangerous enemy. They know it. You don't. Not yet.

Someone is dumping plastic at your doorstep. Someone is selling toxins packed and canned as food and drink. Someone is using deadly banned pesticides to grow the vegetables and fruits you eat. Someone's factory in your city is quietly polluting the air you breath with dangerous gases. Someone is leaving dead dogs, cats and crows to decompose in your neighbourhood. Someone is using fatal dyes to colour the clothes you wear. As you dive into your chemically-treated vegetable salad, oblivious of the invisible enemy surrounding you, someone is methodically working at destroying your life. Their weapons of mass destruction are eating away your insides, taking the light out of your eyes and eroding your brain. Believe me, there is a grand conspiracy out there. And it's goal is absolute annihilation – of you, of everything you love, and every thing you dream of.

See trees in your city being cut down meticulously? The power being rationed? Acts of unexplainable mass destruction? Rivers running dry? Water becoming unusable? Unbelievable statistics of environment pollution? Rise in un-communicable diseases? Mass suicides? Unreasonable violence? Spreading indifference? Do you see the systematic rise of evil?

On the other side of the spectrum, this very moment, everything in your city from basic necessities such as food, water, and housing to transportation, communication and media are being taken over by invisible overlords extending their tentacles into every aspect of your life. They have one objective – total control over your life.

The truth is that no longer can you or I live by the maxim - 'live and let live'. Because someone out there is not willing to let you live. And if you want to live, you will have to fight that someone. You will have to fight for clean air to breathe, you will have to fight for healthy food to eat, you will have to fight for pure water to drink. You will have to fight that someone for your very right to live. Or else, one of these days, your indifference WILL kill you, my friend.


Anonymous said...

I feel the initial part is irrelevant to the rest.
The real content starts only from ..."You are a good man..."
It really flows from that.

- rager

BigMojo said...

Thank you for the observation. I am glad to note that you did not find the entire article irrelevant. that would have been an absolute waste of my time and your time, isn't it? we wouldn't want that, would we? Keep coming back. Thanks again.

Koni S. said...
